Part 1: Country ETF Chart Summaries
· Australia (MXAU Index): The MSCI Australia (USD) is up by 5.93% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 30.98. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -32.94%.
· Austria (MXAT Index): The MSCI Austria (USD) is up by 43.60% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 56.30. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -9.10%.
· Belgium (MXBE Index): The MSCI Belgium (USD) is down by -4.85% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 52.81. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -39.76%.
· Brazil (MXBR Index): The MSCI Brazil (USD) is down by -34.75% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 40.07. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -64.75%.
· BRIC (MXBRIC Index): The MSCI BRIC (USD) is down by -6.21% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 38.32. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -40.63%.
· Canada (MXCA Index): The MSCI Canada (USD) is up by 34.73% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 32.85. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -14.71%.
· Chile (MXCL Index): The MSCI Chile (USD) is down by -24.70% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 64.39. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -52.33%.
· China (MXCN Index): The MSCI China Index (USD) is down by -3.17% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 61.74. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -38.70%.
· Denmark (MXDK Index): The MSCI Denmark Index (USD) is up by 85.31% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 38.92. The ETF has outperformed the ACWI by 17.31%.
· EAFE (MXEA Index): The MSCI EAFE Index (USD) is up by 27.30% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 52.23. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -19.41%.
· Emerging Markets (MXEF Index): The MSCI Emerging Markets (USD) is up by 5.33% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 48.53. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -33.32%.
· Europe (MXEU Index): The MSCI Europe Index (USD) is up by 26.29% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 55.94. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -12.38%.
· Europe Small Cap (NCEDE1SP Index): The MSCI Europe Small Cap (USD) is up by 18.64% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 55.34. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -24.90%.
· Finland (MXFI Index): The MSCI Finland Index (USD) is up by 3.27% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 69.58. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -34.62%.
· France (MXFR Index): The MSCI France (USD) is up by 36.60% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 59.59. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -13.53%.
· Frontier Emerging Markets (MXFEM Index): The MSCI Frontier Emerging Markets (USD) is down by -12.83% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 59.75. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -45.19%.
· Germany (MXDE Index): The MSCI Germany Index (USD) is up by 38.49% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 58.40. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -12.33%.
· Hong Kong (MXHK Index): The MSCI Hong Kong Index (USD) is down by -29.06% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 67.91. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -55.09%.
· India (MXIN Index): The MSCI India Index (USD) is up by 57.82% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 40.67. The ETF has outperformed the ACWI by 27.82%.
· Indonesia (MXID Index): The MSCI Indonesia Index (USD) is down by -26.96% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 46.13. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -54.81%.
· Ireland (MXIE Index): The MSCI Ireland Index (USD) is up by 78.13% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 68.78. The ETF has outperformed the ACWI by 10.13%.
· Israel (MXIL Index): The MSCI Israel Index (USD) is up by 47.32% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 38.31. The ETF has outperformed the ACWI by 15.26%.
· Italy (MXIT Index): The MSCI Italy Index is up by 68.09% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 48.10. The ETF has outperformed the ACWI by 0.09%.
· Japan (MXJP Index): The MSCI Japan Index (USD) is up by 27.71% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 48.43. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -22.29%.
· Korea (MIKR Index): The MSCI Korea Net USD Index (USD) is up by 2.68% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 41.78. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -41.04%.
· Kuwait (MXKW Index): The MSCI Kuwait Index (USD) is up by 37.76% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 46.98. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -13.04%.
· Malaysia (MXMY Index): The MSCI Malaysia Index (USD) is down by -22.71% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 34.18. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -51.07%.
· Mexico (MXMX Index): The MSCI Mexico Index (USD) is up by 12.48% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 45.93. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -28.79%.
· Netherlands (MXNL Index): The MSCI Netherlands Index (USD) is up by 55.11% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 46.01. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -1.81%.
· New Zealand (MXNZ Index): The MSCI New Zealand Index (USD) is down by -16.92% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 33.37. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -46.56%.
· Norway (MXNO Index): The MSCI Norway Index (USD) is up by 3.43% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 70.84. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -34.52%.
· Pacific (MXPC Index): The MSCI Pacific Index (USD) is up by 16.04% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 44.44. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -26.54%.
· Pacific ex-Japan (MXPCJ Index): The MSCI Pacific Excluding Japan Index (USD) is down by -3.81% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 38.23. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -39.11%.
· Philippines (MXPH Index): The MSCI Philippines Index (USD) is down by -27.39% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 56.16. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -54.04%.
· Poland (MXPL Index): The MSCI Poland Index (USD) is down by -1.92% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 59.56. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -39.91%.
· Qatar (MXQA Index): The MSCI Qatar Index (USD) is up by 10.49% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 42.74. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -30.51%.
· Saudi Arabia (MXSA Index): The MSCI Saudi Arabia (USD) is up by 16.45% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 28.55. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -26.28%.
· Singapore (MXSG Index): The MSCI Singapore Index (USD) is up by 4.56% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 45.38. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -33.81%.
· South Africa (MXZA Index): The MSCI South Africa Index (USD) is down by -2.13% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 54.91. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -40.05%.
· Spain (MXES Index): The MSCI Spain Index (USD) is up by 41.04% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 62.14. The ETF has outperformed the ACWI by 11.04%.
· Sweden (MXSE Index): The MSCI Sweden Index (USD) is up by 46.86% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 63.15. The ETF has outperformed the ACWI by 16.86%.
· Switzerland (MXCH Index): The MSCI Switzerland Index (USD) is up by 34.60% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 52.85. The ETF has underperformed the ACWI by -14.80%.
· Taiwan (TAMSCI Index): The MSCI Taiwan Index (USD) is up by 117.58% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 35.26. The ETF has outperformed the ACWI by 87.58%.
· Turkey (MXTR Index): The MSCI Turkey Index (USD) is up by 40.58% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 63.12. The ETF has outperformed the ACWI by 10.58%.
· United Kingdom (MXGB Index): The MSCI United Kingdom Index (USD) is up by 15.50% in the time under review. It has a current 14-day RSI reading of 52.
Part 1: RSI Summary
Countries with RSI under 30:
· USA Small Cap (USD): 25.39
· USA Equal Weight (USD): 29.82
· Saudi Arabia (USD): 28.55
· USA (USD): 27.27
Countries with RSI over 70:
Norway (USD): 70.84
Part 2: Countries Outperforming ACWI
The countries that have outperformed the ACWI during the period under review and by how much in percentage terms are:
· Denmark (USD): 17.31%
· India (USD): 27.82%
· Ireland (USD): 10.13%
· Israel (USD): 15.26%
· Italy (USD): 0.09%
· Spain (USD): 11.04%
· Sweden (USD): 16.86%
· Taiwan (USD): 87.58%
· Turkey (USD): 10.58%
This information is educational in nature and does not constitute investment advice. These views are subject to change at any time based on market and other conditions and no forecasts can be guaranteed. These views may not be relied upon as investment advice or as an indication of any investment or trading intent. This content should not be construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation of an offer to buy, or a recommendation for any security.